Nefeli Andreou

Computer Vision / Generative AI / Virtual Humans


I am an Applied Scientist specializing in Generative AI, Multimodal Learning, and techniques for bridging the gap between 2D and 3D to advance the development of Virtual Humans.

I have obtained my PhD on “Multimodal Generation of Realistic Human Bodies” as part of ITN-CLIPE, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie project that was funded by the EU and addressed core challenges in the creation and control of interactive virtual characters in immersive environments.

I have been a visiting researcher at Amazon, École Polytechnique, and the Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Previously, I have completed an MSc in Data Science and BSc in Mathematics from the University of Bath.


Apr 08, 2024 I will present my PhD work on Multimodal Generation of Realistic Human Bodies at CLIWEG @ Eurographics 2024.
Apr 08, 2024 Our work on language-motion alignment will be presented as a poster at WiCV @ CVPR 2024.
Mar 23, 2024 LexiCrowd will be presented at CLIWEG.
Sep 18, 2023 I am joining the Amazon team as an intern!
Sep 19, 2022 I will be joining the VISTA team in the Computer Science Laboratory at École Polytechnique under the supervision of Vicky Kalogeiton and Marie-Paule Cani!

selected publications

  1. DiffusionWS
    Analysis of Classifier-Free Guidance Weight Schedulers
    Xi Wang , Nicolas Dufour , Nefeli Andreou , and 4 more authors
    In ArXiv , 2024
  2. DQ_21.gif
    Pose Representations for Deep Skeletal Animation
    Nefeli Andreou , Andreas Aristidou , and Yiorgos Chrysanthou
    In SCA , 2022